yourope! ugh. what a dream. who reads these words? englund day one. london town. day two. exeter. days later. lundon. days fourtweenteen. paris. its in france. day late. switzerland. dollar short. italy. rome. florence. venice. what can i say. i had an amazing month in europe. i took my grand tour. to experience the culture in food and language, architecture, art and weather? mountains, lakes, rivers, swimming pools. bricks, blocks, wood, grass, flowers. clouds. castles. cathedrals. customs and folklore! oh mister tell, why shoot ye an apple from the head of thine son? so i did it, i went to europe. i saw everything with my own eyes. i took a lot of pictures, i wrote and drew. im drew. and im so happy, im at peace. ive always wanted to be there and see all of the history. ive been drawn there for as long as i can remember. and now ive done it, i think i needed it. now what? asia, i guess.
so jealous.
Ugh. Me too.
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