Tuesday, September 29, 2009

im hibernating

i tell you somfin, music is somfin good. abba joys my soul
redbear. heardoffim? supamazing.
margot and the nuclear so and sos. what a name
they got great sounds.

im also being a fan of netflix
ave you heard of this thing?
i get movies, n watch um
its great for spending time alone
hayao miazaki's films are so wonderful
they make my make believe life visual
and enrich it with new ideas
my imagination is yelling moar!
i watched this british tv show called the it crowd. good glory to the nerd! my laughing stock went through the roof. sell! sell! what else? oh this norwegian film was viewed tonight, o'horten. twas good but you mighta had toa been there if ya know what i mean. i was livin in norway for some five years ago for a good two years. so i was understanding the norwegian and remembering some of the places and giving a general "oh yes, i get it, i totally know what this is talking about." same thing with this nick and nora movie. they were going about in new york city. a place i was living just last year for a few months. i count it. whudovit? this girl ends up in veselka, the cross streets you ask? 2nd and 9th. just a few blocks from my room. on the way home from where i was working. where i would often go in the mid of night to fill up with chocolate custard dessert(the best) and a warm apple cider, a season specialty. the late fall winds were something to fear and to combat against with comfort foods. it is something that is passing though my mind often these days. its true that all i can remember is good. the bitter has vanished with time and only the sweet remains. except for those good bitter flavours. like dark chocolate. 

Thursday, September 10, 2009

a fair day

the medina county fair was a month ago. its a silly nostalgic thing to go to. it was always a place to meet up during the summer when i was in middle school or younger. romp around the grounds for a bit and run into people you hadn't seen since school let out a few months previous. its dirty stinky and sweaty, all those things that stir up fond memories. nowa days i usually visit the animals and avoid the people and rides as much as i can. i love sheep! fair food is greasy and delicious, my dad is a huge fan of that.