i spent a week with brady in colorado. i approve. we had fun fun with nick in the mountains. walked to the top of the world and looked down on everyone in a non-con descending way. throwing rocks has always been one of my favourite things. i would throw rocks in my driveway and try to make them in the pond in my front yard. my older brothers could do it but i was too small. i would always throw short into the grass then my dad would get mad because he would hit them with the mower.
skipping stones is a form of rock throwing. that has also been one of my absolute favourite things. it is my dream career to be a stone skipper.
throwing stones is universal. i was asked by a little norwegian boy to play. "hva skal vi gjore?" i asked.
"kaste steiner!"
so on top of the mountain we decided to throw rocks off it. probably pretty dangerous. then an even greater idea! we should throw a big stone and try to hit it with another one!
it took many tries but it was fun from the first to the last.
then i walked on air
The other day my family was asking what a hipster looks like. My brother-in-law gave one of the best descriptions yet…"metro lumberjack." Think about it. It makes sense. Plaid? Check. Facial hair? Check. Disheveled/ sort of dirty looking? Check. Then add skinny jeans and a little bit of sense of style and you get the metro part. Thus “metro lumberjack.” These photos somehow reminded me of this.
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