on the road home from tucson oh to travel, verb, its wonderful on the road. thank you jack kerouac. i wanted to spend the night in my car on the side of the road. i wanted to camp and be a true traveling bum but none of that was really happening. i was dreaming of mexico, thanks jack, drug wars and being alone stopped me. i was feeling adventurous at the time and camping sounded top notch. n e ways, i was driving around the grand canyon area and stopped for the night. just slept in my car on the side of the road. the sun was down, the stars were out, i was feeling well.
later, around four, the moon was out, and i was bored. so i listened to some music for a while, layed in my car and thought. eventually i got out my guitar and sat in the middle of the road, sorrouned by silence, darkness, and i sang out loud loud. all of the animals and stars listened, the moon enjoied too. i made a little concert. i was going a bit insane alone but it was fun.
i was back in my car and waiting patiently for the sun to come up. i wanted to see it rise. i wanted to see what was around me. i wanted to see the red sun glow on the red rocks of the canyon. then it came! the sky glowed a blue. soon soon it will be here. and hope filled my little soul. i was soooooo happy. i never wait for much and this taught me that patience is important. good things come to those who wait. it was a cold desert night and as i danced up and down this bridge i found and out in the air i was warmed more and more. the sun was bring such goodness to me, the secrets were revealed that the night was hiding. i could see a river in the canyon, i could see it moving. i could see mountains unvealed then cliffs and rocks and birds and everything was coming to life. it was making me alive and making me happy.
patience i was leaning, thanks to kara as well, she teaches me well. i will try to not be hasty.
and the life i was enjoying, waiting and watching the sun rise was wonderful for my health.